Watch out! EU trade mark owners continue to be sent sophisticated scams
Following on from our previous article in relation to a recent EUIPO scam invoice (here), last week the EUIPO put a press release on their website in relation to yet another recent scam being sent out concerning EU trade marks. This scam takes the form a renewal notice, and contains the EUIPO’s exact name, logo and address. It would be very easy for a brand owner to get confused and to make payment!
Whilst the EUIPO are taking their own action against this scam, BrandWrites is warning all trade mark owners to continue to be especially cautious about this type of misleading invoice.
If you, as a trade mark owner, receive any request for payment directly in the post or by email we suggest that you contact your usual adviser and do not make any direct payments.
The full press release can be found here and the fake request for payment here.